Arranging regular times for prospective buyers to inspect sale properties in groups has proven to be a very effective marketing technique. While most people now search online for suitable properties, they still like to inspect in person, and an open house allows them to have a close look without feeling under pressure.
Large Visitor Numbers at an Open House Creates Urgency
The best result for an agent is to have large visitor numbers. This generates a sense of urgency among genuine buyers. Even if many of the crowd are just looking, people assume that everyone there is a potential rival for the property. Often, the buyer who gets the property will be the one who has decided to out-manoeuvre the others by offering more than originally intended.
To get such an excellent result there are a few things that need to happen and we have drawn on our experience as agents to offer some suggestions. Position One Property is a property agency serving the greater Brisbane area and we have found that some techniques work better than others to get a successful open inspection.
For Best Results, the Owners Should not be Present
We said earlier that potential buyers like this method because they can look around without feeling any pressure from an agent. This also goes for the owners as well, so it is important, if the property is yours, to make yourself scarce. Your agent will look after the place, so go to the movies, visit a friend or go for a long walk.
Temporarily remove all Signs of Pet Ownership
If you have pets, make sure all their toys, beds, blankets, water and food bowls are out of sight. The pets also need to be out of sight. A bird aviary in the back yard will not be a problem but a couple of large, protective dogs in the house will be. Leave them with a friend for the couple of hours of the open house.
Clean, Tidy and De-Clutter
It is surprising that some sellers leave beds unmade and dirty dishes in the kitchen sink during inspections. Please make sure that everything is neat, tidy and clean. First impressions are vital, so get rid of clutter. This allows buyers to assess the amount of space you have, which cannot be seen if it is hidden by unnecessary items.
Allow Light to Flood the Interior
The final touch is to turn on the lights, even during the day; open the curtains and pull up the blinds. Allow light to flood into the interior. This also adds to the feeling of spaciousness and eliminates any dark spots that detract from the overall ambiance.
We find that a well-organised and run open house can generate a lot of interest. Do your part in getting the property in tip-top condition and trust your agent to find genuine buyers from among the visitors.