Tenant Databases

A tenant database is a database that contains details of tenants that have had problems associated with previous leases. This database is available to real estate industry professionals that wish to check whether any applicant for a rental property may be a financial risk.Property managers and agents must abide by rules and guidelines before submitting any persons name onto the database. Before a listing is made on the database, written advice must be sent to the tenant explaining details and reason for the listing, to which the tenant can object. Notice of the objection must also be submitted onto the database.


Landlords and property managers must inform tenants that a breach of the lease agreement may result in a listing on a tenant database. A tenant may be listed on the database for serious breaches of the lease only, and only once the lease is terminated and any tribunal hearings have been completed.


Reasons include:

If there was previously unpaid rent or intentional damage to a rental property leased by them. The rent or damage amount must have been for more than the bond amount.


Failure to pay monies as directed by the Tribunal


Where the Tribunal has terminated a lease as a result of breach of the lease agreement


If a tenants name appears on the database, the reasons for listing will be specified, and these must be made freely available to the tenant if requested.


A tenant can pay any debt due by them and the property manager must inform the database operators as soon as this is done. The tenant entry on the database can be removed by payment depending on how soon the payment is made and whether there was more than one entry.


Typically if the debt is paid within 3 months and it is the only entry, this will remove the entry, otherwise notice on the database will remain for some years.

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