Maintaining Good Mental Health During COVID-19 Self-Isolation

Maintaining good mental health during COVID-19 self-isolation

During the COVID-19 pandemic, we’ve spent more time than ever at home. As we get used to working from home, home-schooling our children, or search for a new job while being stood down, maintaining good mental health is key to making it through this stressful time.

Here at Position One, our team has been working from home across Brisbane, the Gold Coast and Sunshine Coast. As we continue to work with our clients and tenants, we’ve learned a few things in how to maintain good mental health during our time at home.


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Create a Routine

Yes, set that 7:30 am alarm! Maintaining a routine helps you remain organised and to know what to expect from your day. Things still need to get done, like the washing, cooking of food, and even getting enough sleep. A study by The Lancet Psychiatry found that people who favour an active daytime routine over a night time one have healthier sleeping cycles, and minimises the risk of developing emotional difficulties.


Your local gym might not be open, but don’t fret. There is a lot of free home-based workouts available online via YouTube or a multitude of platforms including the Nike Training Club app which has made their premium workouts available for free.

If working out at home isn’t your thing, put some shoes on and go for a walk or run. Just don’t forget to maintain a safe distance between yourself and others.


Just like exercising, meditation is a great way to make time for yourself. Meditation has been shown to have significant impacts on your mental health. Many professional athletes including Formula 1 World Champion Nico Rosberg, utilise meditation to bring the brain into a restful, restorative state.

Meditation doesn’t require hours of sitting silently; guided meditation sessions can range from 10 minutes up to an hour.

Take Time to Read

With a little extra time at home, learning through reading is a great way to keep your brain active. Position One team members have been encouraged to choose five books in their favourite genre. For example Australian Crime fiction – Truth by Peter Temple or The Monkeys Mask by Dorothy Porter.

Reading offers you mental stimulation, stress reduction, the ability to gain knowledge, the ability to stretch your vocabulary, create stronger analytical skills which leads to better writing skills and best of all its free.

Call Someone

With social gatherings on hold for now, the next best thing to stay in touch with those closest to you, and even those friends who you haven’t spoken to recently. Grandparents and people living on their own can feel the most disconnected during this time, and a voice or video call is a great way to reconnect.


If you’re feeling anxious or depressed during this tough time, there are also organisations that are there to help you. Beyond Blue is a great Australian organisation who can provide support and advice. The Beyond Blue regular number is 1300 22 4636 and website .  Beyond Blue have set up a special website for these current times at and you can give them a call on 1800 512 348.

Property Managers Brisbane


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